

Department of Anthropology

Admission Notices

MSc Ist sem Anthropology

                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY,
                                                                        PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH.

                                                                                                                                                                       August 11, 2017.

                                   List of the applicants placed on the waiting list of M.Sc. (H.S.) (1st Semester for the session 2017-2018
                  Sr.No.            Sr.No.of the Merit List                 Name of the student                                  Marks
Open Category:
                    1                            43                                     KULDEEP KAUR                                  1721.160

ST Category
                   1                              95                                   AMANDEEP KAUR, SC                         1471.680

BC Category
                  1                              102                                   PRINCE KUMAR                                   1441.440

The above mentioned students are advised to deposit the fee (P.U. students: Rs.8247/- and other Universities: Rs.8247+550 (Regn. fee) in the SBI Counter under Code-T0010 and deposit their fee receipts in the Anthropology Department on the same day up to 12-8-2017 by 4.00 p.m. with the late fee of Rs.550/- with the permission of the Chairperson failing which the seats will be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list.



Click here to view: MSc Ist sem Anthropology

  Dated: 11/08/2017
1. 02/08/2024Interview for admission to Diploma in Forensic Sci. & Criminology, 1st Sem. on 12 August, 2024 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
2. 02/08/2024Interview for admission to M.Sc. (Hons.), 1st Sem. on 09 August, 2024 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
3. 03/07/2024Circular regarding last date extended for FN candidates
4. 31/05/2024Admission Notice for the Session 2024-2025
5. 14/09/2023Offline applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in M.Sc. (Hons) 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2023-2024.
6. 14/09/2023Offline applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2023-2024.
7. 04/09/2023NRI/FN Admission Date Extended for the session 2023-24
8. 26/07/2023Interview for admission to M.Sc. (Hons.), 1st Sem. on 09 August, 2023 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
9. 26/07/2023Interview for admission to Diploma in Forensic Sci. & Criminology, 1st Sem. on 09 August, 2023 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
10. 14/07/2023Admission form for Ongoing Classes
11. 14/07/2023Admission Notice of ongling students of B.Sc. 6th Semester
12. 14/07/2023Admission Notice for ongoing students
13. 31/05/2023Admission Notice for Academic Session 2023-2024
15. 10/11/202212th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
16. 10/11/202212th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
17. 09/11/202211th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
18. 09/11/202211th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
19. 31/10/202210th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023 (revised)
20. 31/10/202210th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023 (REvised)
21. 28/10/20229th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
22. 28/10/20229th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
23. 27/10/20228th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
24. 20/10/20227th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
25. 20/10/20227th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
26. 17/10/20226th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
27. 17/10/20226th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
28. 14/10/20225th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
29. 14/10/20225th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
30. 13/10/2022List of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023 Under Sports Category
31. 10/10/20224th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
32. 07/10/20223rd list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
33. 07/10/20223rd list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
34. 30/09/20222nd list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
35. 27/09/20221st Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2022-2023
36. 27/09/20221st Waiting List of M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2022-2023
37. 23/09/2022List of Provisionally selected candidate for the admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Crminology, (1st Semester) for the session 2022-2023
38. 23/09/2022List of Provisionally selected candidate for the admission to M.Sc. (Hons.) (1st Semester) for the session 2022-2023
39. 23/08/2022Last date extended for applying online admission form for PG Courses
40. 22/07/2022Extension of last date for applying to PG courses for the Session 2022-23
41. 20/06/2022Admission Notice for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology and Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology Course for the Ssssion 2022-2023
42. 30/05/2022 PU-CET (U.G.) - 2022 PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH For Admission to B.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology under the framework of Hons. School System (CBCS)
43. 28/01/2022Admission Form for Ph.D. for the session 2021-22
45. 21/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 10th Waiting List
46. 18/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 9th Waiting List
47. 18/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 9th Waiting List
48. 13/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 8th Waiting List
49. 13/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 8th Waiting List
50. 08/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 7th Waiting List
51. 08/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 7th Waiting List
52. 06/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 6th Waiting List
53. 06/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 6th Waiting List
54. 04/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 5th Waiting List
55. 01/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 4th Waiting List
56. 01/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 4th Waiting List
57. 29/09/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 3rd Waiting List
58. 29/09/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 3rd Waiting List
59. 27/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2021-2022 (2nd List) Revised)
60. 27/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) 1st semester in Anthropology for the session 2021-2022 (2nd List)
61. 23/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) 1st semester in Anthropology for the session 2021-2022
62. 23/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2021-2022
63. 23/09/2021Overall list of the applicants placed on the waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology in Anthropology for the session 2021-22.
64. 20/09/2021List of selected applicants for the admission in Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester in Anthropology for the Session 2021-2022
65. 20/09/2021List of selected applicants for the admission in M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester in Anthropology for the Session 2021-2022
66. 04/08/2021Admission Notice for the Session 2021-2022
67. 20/07/2021Admission Notice for Academic Session 2021-2022
68. 07/12/2020Revised 13th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
69. 06/12/202012th Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
70. 06/12/202012th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
71. 05/12/202011th Waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
72. 05/12/202011th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
73. 03/12/202010th Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons) 1st Semester
74. 02/12/2020Revised 9th Waiting list for M.SC. (Hons.) in Anthropology
75. 01/12/202010th Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
76. 28/11/20209th Waiting List for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
77. 25/11/20208th Waiting list for Diploma in Sorrensic Science & Criminology
78. 25/11/20208th Waiting List for M.Sc. in Anthropology
79. 23/11/20207th Waiting list for Dip. in Forensic Science & Criminology
80. 23/11/20207th Waiting list for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
81. 21/11/20206th Waiting List for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
82. 21/11/20206th Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons.)
83. 20/11/20205th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
84. 20/11/20205th Waiting list for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
85. 18/11/20204th Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
86. 18/11/20204th Waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) in Anthropology
87. 16/11/20203rd Waiting List of Diploma i Forensic Science & Criminology
88. 16/11/20203rd Waiting List of M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
89. 14/11/20202nd Waiting List for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
90. 14/11/20202nd Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
91. 13/11/2020For Payment of Fee Please visit the Panjab University website
92. 12/11/2020List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2020-2021
93. 12/11/2020List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) 1st semester in Anthropology for the session 2020-21.
94. 10/11/2020List of the provisionally selected candidates for the admission to Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2020-2021
95. 10/11/2020Revised List of the Provisionally selected candidates for the admission to M.Sc. (Hons) (1 st Semester ) for the Session 2020-2021.
96. 25/08/2020Last date for the applying online admission forms for Postgraduate courses
97. 06/08/2020Admission fee notice for ongoing classes of B.Sc 3rd sem,5th Sem and M.Sc 3rd Sem 2020-21
98. 14/07/2020PU-PU.D. Entrance Examination Notice
99. 09/07/2020Admission Notice for the Session 2020-2021
100. 04/09/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
101. 29/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
102. 28/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
103. 28/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
104. 27/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
105. 27/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
106. 26/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
107. 26/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
108. 16/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
109. 16/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
110. 14/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
111. 14/08/2019Selected candidate for the admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
112. 13/08/2019List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
113. 13/08/2019List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology
114. 09/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
115. 05/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
116. 03/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
117. 02/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
118. 02/08/2019Notice regarding 33% attendance during the first 10 days after admission
119. 02/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
120. 31/07/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
121. 31/07/2019List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology
122. 30/07/2019Commencement of classes 2019 (M.Sc. Hons. ) Anthropology
123. 30/07/2019Commencement of classes 2019 (Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology)
124. 30/07/2019List of Selected Candidates for the Asmission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
125. 29/07/2019Waiting list of M.Sc session 2019-20
126. 27/07/2019List of Selected candidate for Admission in M.Sc Hons 1st Sem 2019-20
127. 18/07/2019Provisional Merit list of Diploma in forensic science and criminology 2019-20
128. 18/07/2019Provisional Merit list of M.Sc Hon 2019-20
129. 18/07/2019Tentative Merit List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
130. 18/07/2019Tentative Merit List of M.Sc Hons. Anthropology Deptt.
131. 17/07/2019Interview for admission to Diploma in Forensic Sci. & Criminology, 1st Sem. on 26 July 2019
132. 17/07/2019Interview for admission to M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Sem. Anthropology on 25 July 2019
133. 15/07/2019Commencement of classes 2019
134. 25/06/2019ADMISSION FORM ( PG/UG/Certificate/Diploma/Advance Diploma/ P.G. Diploma courses) for the Academic Session 2019-2020
135. 25/06/2019ADMISSION NOTICE for the Academic Session 2019-2020
136. 05/09/2018Admission Notice to Ph.D., Session 2018-2019
137. 30/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
138. 30/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
139. 27/08/2018Waiting list of Diploma Session 2018-19
140. 27/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
141. 21/08/2018Waiting list of Diploma Session 2018-19
142. 21/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
143. 14/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
144. 13/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
145. 10/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
146. 07/08/2018Sports Category-admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
147. 06/08/2018Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester for the session 2018-19
148. 04/08/2018Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
149. 03/08/2018Waiting List of M.Sc. (Honours) 1st Semester-2018-19
150. 03/08/2018Waiting List of M.Sc. (Honours) 1st Semester-2018-19
151. 02/08/2018Commencement of Classes of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester-2018-19
152. 02/08/2018Commencement of Classes of M.Sc. (Honours) 1st Semester-2018-19
153. 01/08/2018List of selected candidates for the admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester for the session 2018-19
154. 01/08/2018List of the selected candidates for the admission to M. Sc. (Hons.) (1st Semester) for the session 2018-2019.
155. 18/07/2018Interview for Admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
156. 17/07/2018Interview for Admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Anthropology
157. 07/09/2017Physical Counseling for the admission to B.Sc. (Hons) 1st year in Anthropology (CETUG 2017)
158. 28/08/2017Waiting List of Diploma in forensic Science & Criminology
159. 28/08/2017Waiting List of M.Sc. (H.S.) 1st Semester
160. 09/08/2017Waiting List of M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st Sem 2017-18
161. 04/08/2017Waiting List of M.Sc. (H.S.) 1st Semester
162. 04/08/2017Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
163. 04/08/2017Regular Teaching of M.SC. (H.S.) 1st Semester & Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester will commence fro 7th august 2017.
164. 04/08/2017List of Selected Candidates for the Admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology for the Session 2017-2018
165. 04/08/2017List of Selected Candidates for the Admission to M.Sc. (H.S.) 1st Semester for the Session 2017-2018
166. 22/07/2017Interview Cum Counselling Schedule for Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (Department of Anthropology)
167. 22/07/2017Interview Cum Counselling Schedule for MSc Ist sem Anthropology

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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