

Department of Anthropology

Admission Notices

Interview Cum Counselling Schedule for MSc Ist sem Anthropology

Class                           Date of Interview/          Time                       Venue



1. M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st    August 2, 2017              10.30 a.m        Anthropology Dept.



  Dated: 22/07/2017
1. 02/08/2024Interview for admission to Diploma in Forensic Sci. & Criminology, 1st Sem. on 12 August, 2024 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
2. 02/08/2024Interview for admission to M.Sc. (Hons.), 1st Sem. on 09 August, 2024 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
3. 03/07/2024Circular regarding last date extended for FN candidates
4. 31/05/2024Admission Notice for the Session 2024-2025
5. 14/09/2023Offline applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in M.Sc. (Hons) 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2023-2024.
6. 14/09/2023Offline applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2023-2024.
7. 04/09/2023NRI/FN Admission Date Extended for the session 2023-24
8. 26/07/2023Interview for admission to M.Sc. (Hons.), 1st Sem. on 09 August, 2023 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
9. 26/07/2023Interview for admission to Diploma in Forensic Sci. & Criminology, 1st Sem. on 09 August, 2023 in the department of Anthropology, Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh
10. 14/07/2023Admission form for Ongoing Classes
11. 14/07/2023Admission Notice of ongling students of B.Sc. 6th Semester
12. 14/07/2023Admission Notice for ongoing students
13. 31/05/2023Admission Notice for Academic Session 2023-2024
15. 10/11/202212th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
16. 10/11/202212th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
17. 09/11/202211th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
18. 09/11/202211th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
19. 31/10/202210th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023 (revised)
20. 31/10/202210th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023 (REvised)
21. 28/10/20229th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
22. 28/10/20229th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
23. 27/10/20228th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
24. 20/10/20227th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
25. 20/10/20227th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
26. 17/10/20226th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
27. 17/10/20226th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
28. 14/10/20225th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
29. 14/10/20225th list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
30. 13/10/2022List of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023 Under Sports Category
31. 10/10/20224th list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
32. 07/10/20223rd list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
33. 07/10/20223rd list of Selected candidates of Diploma in Forensic Science & CRminology for the session 2022-2023
34. 30/09/20222nd list of Selected candidates of M.Sc. (Hons) for the session 2022-2023
35. 27/09/20221st Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2022-2023
36. 27/09/20221st Waiting List of M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester in Anthropology for the session 2022-2023
37. 23/09/2022List of Provisionally selected candidate for the admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Crminology, (1st Semester) for the session 2022-2023
38. 23/09/2022List of Provisionally selected candidate for the admission to M.Sc. (Hons.) (1st Semester) for the session 2022-2023
39. 23/08/2022Last date extended for applying online admission form for PG Courses
40. 22/07/2022Extension of last date for applying to PG courses for the Session 2022-23
41. 20/06/2022Admission Notice for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology and Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology Course for the Ssssion 2022-2023
42. 30/05/2022 PU-CET (U.G.) - 2022 PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH For Admission to B.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology under the framework of Hons. School System (CBCS)
43. 28/01/2022Admission Form for Ph.D. for the session 2021-22
45. 21/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 10th Waiting List
46. 18/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 9th Waiting List
47. 18/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 9th Waiting List
48. 13/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 8th Waiting List
49. 13/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 8th Waiting List
50. 08/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 7th Waiting List
51. 08/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 7th Waiting List
52. 06/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 6th Waiting List
53. 06/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 6th Waiting List
54. 04/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 5th Waiting List
55. 01/10/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester 4th Waiting List
56. 01/10/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 4th Waiting List
57. 29/09/2021Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology, 1st Semester 3rd Waiting List
58. 29/09/2021M.Sc. (Hons.) 3rd Waiting List
59. 27/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2021-2022 (2nd List) Revised)
60. 27/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) 1st semester in Anthropology for the session 2021-2022 (2nd List)
61. 23/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) 1st semester in Anthropology for the session 2021-2022
62. 23/09/2021List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2021-2022
63. 23/09/2021Overall list of the applicants placed on the waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology in Anthropology for the session 2021-22.
64. 20/09/2021List of selected applicants for the admission in Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester in Anthropology for the Session 2021-2022
65. 20/09/2021List of selected applicants for the admission in M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Semester in Anthropology for the Session 2021-2022
66. 04/08/2021Admission Notice for the Session 2021-2022
67. 20/07/2021Admission Notice for Academic Session 2021-2022
68. 07/12/2020Revised 13th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
69. 06/12/202012th Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
70. 06/12/202012th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
71. 05/12/202011th Waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
72. 05/12/202011th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
73. 03/12/202010th Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons) 1st Semester
74. 02/12/2020Revised 9th Waiting list for M.SC. (Hons.) in Anthropology
75. 01/12/202010th Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
76. 28/11/20209th Waiting List for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
77. 25/11/20208th Waiting list for Diploma in Sorrensic Science & Criminology
78. 25/11/20208th Waiting List for M.Sc. in Anthropology
79. 23/11/20207th Waiting list for Dip. in Forensic Science & Criminology
80. 23/11/20207th Waiting list for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
81. 21/11/20206th Waiting List for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
82. 21/11/20206th Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons.)
83. 20/11/20205th Waiting list for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
84. 20/11/20205th Waiting list for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
85. 18/11/20204th Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
86. 18/11/20204th Waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) in Anthropology
87. 16/11/20203rd Waiting List of Diploma i Forensic Science & Criminology
88. 16/11/20203rd Waiting List of M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
89. 14/11/20202nd Waiting List for Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
90. 14/11/20202nd Waiting List for M.Sc. (Hons.) in Anthropology
91. 13/11/2020For Payment of Fee Please visit the Panjab University website
92. 12/11/2020List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2020-2021
93. 12/11/2020List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons) 1st semester in Anthropology for the session 2020-21.
94. 10/11/2020List of the provisionally selected candidates for the admission to Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (1st Semester) for the Session 2020-2021
95. 10/11/2020Revised List of the Provisionally selected candidates for the admission to M.Sc. (Hons) (1 st Semester ) for the Session 2020-2021.
96. 25/08/2020Last date for the applying online admission forms for Postgraduate courses
97. 06/08/2020Admission fee notice for ongoing classes of B.Sc 3rd sem,5th Sem and M.Sc 3rd Sem 2020-21
98. 14/07/2020PU-PU.D. Entrance Examination Notice
99. 09/07/2020Admission Notice for the Session 2020-2021
100. 04/09/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
101. 29/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
102. 28/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
103. 28/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
104. 27/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
105. 27/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
106. 26/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
107. 26/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
108. 16/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
109. 16/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
110. 14/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
111. 14/08/2019Selected candidate for the admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
112. 13/08/2019List of selected applicants from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
113. 13/08/2019List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology
114. 09/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
115. 05/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
116. 03/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
117. 02/08/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
118. 02/08/2019Notice regarding 33% attendance during the first 10 days after admission
119. 02/08/2019List of Selected candidate for admission in M.Sc Hons in 1st Sem 2019-20
120. 31/07/2019List of Selected applicant from waiting list of Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology Session 2019-20
121. 31/07/2019List of selected applicants from waiting list of M.Sc. (Hons.) Anthropology
122. 30/07/2019Commencement of classes 2019 (M.Sc. Hons. ) Anthropology
123. 30/07/2019Commencement of classes 2019 (Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology)
124. 30/07/2019List of Selected Candidates for the Asmission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
125. 29/07/2019Waiting list of M.Sc session 2019-20
126. 27/07/2019List of Selected candidate for Admission in M.Sc Hons 1st Sem 2019-20
127. 18/07/2019Provisional Merit list of Diploma in forensic science and criminology 2019-20
128. 18/07/2019Provisional Merit list of M.Sc Hon 2019-20
129. 18/07/2019Tentative Merit List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
130. 18/07/2019Tentative Merit List of M.Sc Hons. Anthropology Deptt.
131. 17/07/2019Interview for admission to Diploma in Forensic Sci. & Criminology, 1st Sem. on 26 July 2019
132. 17/07/2019Interview for admission to M.Sc. (Hons.) 1st Sem. Anthropology on 25 July 2019
133. 15/07/2019Commencement of classes 2019
134. 25/06/2019ADMISSION FORM ( PG/UG/Certificate/Diploma/Advance Diploma/ P.G. Diploma courses) for the Academic Session 2019-2020
135. 25/06/2019ADMISSION NOTICE for the Academic Session 2019-2020
136. 05/09/2018Admission Notice to Ph.D., Session 2018-2019
137. 30/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
138. 30/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
139. 27/08/2018Waiting list of Diploma Session 2018-19
140. 27/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
141. 21/08/2018Waiting list of Diploma Session 2018-19
142. 21/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
143. 14/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
144. 13/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
145. 10/08/2018Waiting list of M.Sc Session 2018-19
146. 07/08/2018Sports Category-admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
147. 06/08/2018Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester for the session 2018-19
148. 04/08/2018Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
149. 03/08/2018Waiting List of M.Sc. (Honours) 1st Semester-2018-19
150. 03/08/2018Waiting List of M.Sc. (Honours) 1st Semester-2018-19
151. 02/08/2018Commencement of Classes of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester-2018-19
152. 02/08/2018Commencement of Classes of M.Sc. (Honours) 1st Semester-2018-19
153. 01/08/2018List of selected candidates for the admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester for the session 2018-19
154. 01/08/2018List of the selected candidates for the admission to M. Sc. (Hons.) (1st Semester) for the session 2018-2019.
155. 18/07/2018Interview for Admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
156. 17/07/2018Interview for Admission to M.Sc. (Honours) Anthropology
157. 07/09/2017Physical Counseling for the admission to B.Sc. (Hons) 1st year in Anthropology (CETUG 2017)
158. 28/08/2017Waiting List of Diploma in forensic Science & Criminology
159. 28/08/2017Waiting List of M.Sc. (H.S.) 1st Semester
160. 11/08/2017MSc Ist sem Anthropology
161. 09/08/2017Waiting List of M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st Sem 2017-18
162. 04/08/2017Waiting List of M.Sc. (H.S.) 1st Semester
163. 04/08/2017Waiting List of Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology
164. 04/08/2017Regular Teaching of M.SC. (H.S.) 1st Semester & Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology 1st Semester will commence fro 7th august 2017.
165. 04/08/2017List of Selected Candidates for the Admission to Diploma in Forensic Science & Criminology for the Session 2017-2018
166. 04/08/2017List of Selected Candidates for the Admission to M.Sc. (H.S.) 1st Semester for the Session 2017-2018
167. 22/07/2017Interview Cum Counselling Schedule for Diploma in Forensic Science and Criminology (Department of Anthropology)

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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