

Department of Anthropology

Infrastructural Facilities


  1. Anthropometry Laboratory
    The Department is equipped with a variety of anthropometric equipment including Holtain Stadiometer, Infant Measuring Table, Harpenden sitting height table, Body Fat analyzer and other instruments specially .designed for taking measurements on the Human Body and the Skeleton..
  2. Molecular and Bio-chemical Anthropology
    This laboratory is equipped with necessary instruments and has the facilities for testing blood groups and bio-chemical/genetic markers such as red cell enzymes, serum proteins, abnormal haemoglobins, P.T.C. testing ability, etc. It also has facilities for molecular anthropological studies.
  3. Palaeoanthropology & Prehistoric Archaeology
    It has a large collection of primate and other vertebrate fossil finds, collected especially from the Siwaliks and other areas. There is also a good collection of stone tools of early man made from pre-historic sites in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Central India. Geological/archaeological Survey equipment and facilities for preparation and study of fossils, and for casting and moulding purposes are available.
  4. Dermatoglyphics
    Necessary training is provided to the students in printing technique and analysis is of dermal ridge configurations on hand and feet.
  5. Radiology
    The department is equipped with an X-ray apparatus and a portable X-ray machine.
  6. Photographic and Sound .recording facilities
    The department is equipped with cameras and Dark-room facilities. Sound recording and projection equipment.
  7. Computer Laboratory
    The Department has a Computer Laboratory with seven computers with internet connection and other accessories to be used by students and research scholars free of cost.
  8. Seminar Hall is well equipped with audio visual aids and capacity for about 80 participants.
  9. Museum of Man
    Museum of man is being renovated thematically under following four major sections:

    Section I: Pre and proto-history Gallery
    (It contains store tools collected by the faculty over the years.)

    Section II: Ethnographic Gallery
    Items of material culture; namely agricultural implements, Musical Instruments, ornaments, dress, etc. of various communities (tribal and non-tribal) are displayed in this section.

    Section III: Living Primate Gallery
    (This houses the life size models of living primates and photographs showing primates behaviour in different settings.)

    Section IV: Evolution of Man and fossils gallery. This houses the life size models of Hominoids and hominids reconstructed from their fossils remains. (It has a good collection of mammalian fossils collected by research scholars and faculty. Museum of Man is open to public. It leaves a lasting effect on the visitors when the saw the glimpse of human ancestors.)
  10. Library
    A library of over 2200 books and many journals exists in the Department with staff.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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